We first conceived the idea of developing a FireFlight Photo Website around 2005. Since that time we have come a long way from the original design and layout and this will be our 5th revision of the site, we hope we are moving in the right direction.
Since 2003 Mila and I have been trying to take our photography to the next level. We are photographers with big ambitions who love to shoot wildlife and landscape photography. We mainly designed this web site to share the many wonderful images we have taken, including our favorite subjects, local bald eagles, moose, osprey, redtail hawks and other wonderful animals of the New Hampshire and Maine regions.

We love trying to get the action shots like bald eagles with fish and ospreys fishing, but this is not as easy to do as it sounds and it has taken us many years to get the few great grab poses we have.
Our interest in photography got highly motivated upon taking our first close up and sharp photos of bald eagles in the Errol Region of NH. We have often considered going to Alaska to get photos of these beautiful birds, but we decided that even though it is much harder to find and photograph these subjects locally, we would try our hardest to do so. So far I think we have managed to do a good job, but we are always looking to improve on our images. As our level of skill improves and our ability to capture the animals in action gets better, our catalogue of great photos grow. Unfortunately it is a slow process, but a wonderful life experience.
Initially we concentrated on local wildlife or what we considered our backyard so to speak. As our desire grew to expand our horizons we ventured off to places like Yellowstone and Grand Tetons which are amazing places in their own right. We have grown to love that area and it often rewards us with great images whenever we visit. As our desire to become better photographers intensifies, we have gone on photo tours to various locations including UTAH, Wyoming, Smoky Mountains, Florida and of course New Hampshire and Maine locations.
We have grand plans to try and visit many more spectacular places in the near future. We remain serious amateurs at heart and do photography because we love to do it. We have managed to take some very high quality photos and even sell a few prints in local stores.

We also offer a free gallery of selected wildlife photos.
Some, not so local wildlife we have taken photos of, include elk, wolves, cougar, grizzly bear and others from various locations.
We also love photographing waterfalls, foliage, and other local landscapes and have many examples included in our gallery.
We believe we have gotten much better at composition and quality, so we are working hard to upgrade our previous photos with much better quality ones.
Our main goal is the ever growing challenge of getting closer, clearer, action photographs of the wildlife we love without disrupting their environment or disturbing them in the act of getting our photos.
We have learnt over time that, we get much better photos if we let the wildlife come to us, rather than us going to the wildlife. We hope you enjoy our website and the galleries we have made available.

We even hope one or two of you love our photos enough to want some prints and in this respect I have to explain why I chose to put watermarks on our photos.
The internet is a great place but also a very anonymous place which offers very little protection against copyright issues or misuse of our photos. We have had friends who have had their photos posted on webshots and other similar scenarios. The only way I believe we can protect our images from misuse is to apply a watermark on them and only allow low resolution versions to be available for viewing. Hopefully you do not find the watermark to intrusive and we hope it does not degrade the quality and first impression of our images.
Any prints we offer would not have such a watermark and are of the highest quality and resolution.
Robert & Mila Andersen